Principal - Mrs. Lisa King
Kindergarten - Mrs. Harmony Palaschak
Grade 1 & 2 - Miss Nikita May
Grade 3 & 4 - Mrs. Megan Chabot
Grade 5 & 6 - Mrs. Nichole Bredy
Grade 7 & 8; Band and Music - Ms. Diedra Whitell
Middle Years Math, ELA, Social - Mr. Graeme Wilgosh
Phys Ed., Middle Years PAA and Science - Mr. Clint Hayes
Senior English & History - Mrs. Megan Hayes
Senior Math and Science - Mr. Michael Hoult
Student Support - Mrs. Lisa King & Ms. Diedra Whitell
CWEx and Career Guidance - Mrs. Sherry Brewer
Secretary - Mrs. Kathy Hoffman
Librarians - Ms. Tracy Radies & Ms. Charlene Coventry
Educational Assistant - Mrs. Julie Nunweiler
Educational Assistant - Mrs. Candice Connolly
Educational Assistant - Mrs. Naomi Green
Educational Assistant - Mrs. Lindsay Larock
Educational Assistant - Mrs. Markayla McKay
Educational Assistant - Ms. Cassie Stimson
Online Learning Facilitator - Ms. Tracy Radies
Custodian - Mrs. Jennifer McKenzie
Custodian -
Bus Driver - Mr. Dale Bredy
Bus Driver - Mrs. Sharon Steinke
Bus Driver - Mrs. Sarah Becker
School Counsellor - Mrs. Shelley Eckstein